Application for New Service

Membership has its privileges. You're more than a customer; you're a member-owner. Membership gives you a voice in how your Cooperative is run. The board of directors is elected by you. You have the opportunity to attend and participate in the Annual Meeting of the Members. And capital credit refunds make membership rewarding. At South Plains Electric Cooperative, we are at your service. Whether you're a new Cooperative member or you have a change in your electric power supply needs, our experts are here for you.

View our rates

PrePay Enrollment Form

New and existing residential members may qualify for Co-op Power PrePay.  New members pay a $35 initial payment to establish a PrePay account.  Existing members may convert to a PrePay account.  To enroll in Co-op Power PrePay, complete and submit this form, indicating "yes" in the field area provided below asking if you want your account to be PrePay.  Click here for more detailed information on PrePay accounts. 

Today's Date:  
Date Service is Desired:  *  
Type of Request:   *
First Name:   *
Last Name:   *
SSN:-  -   *
Driver’s License #:  *
License State:  
Birth Date:    
Would you like this to be a PrePay account?
(please indicate yes or no)
If yes, Mobile Carrier:  

Please enter the address where bills should be sent:
Street Address/P.O. Box:  *
City:  *
State:  *
Zip Code:   *

Please enter the physical address where service is required. If service doesn't already exist at this location, please contact our office at (806) 775-7766.
    Service Address:   *
    Service Type (Construction Required or Existing Service):   *
    If applicable, directions to new construction:  
    E-mail:  *
    Confirm E-mail:  *
    Home Phone:-  -   
    Cell Phone:-  -    *
    Business Phone:-  -     
    Spouse/Roommate Name: 
    Spouse/Roommate SSN:-  -   
    Spouse/Roommate Driver's License:  
    Spouse/Roommate License State:  
    Spouse/Roommate Birth Date:    
    Spouse/Roommate Employer:  
    Meter# where service is being requested (or nearest meter):  
    Do you want to be responsible for any security lights on this location (for an additional fee)? (Yes/No):  
    Specify any additional meters you want to be responsible for at this location (e.g. domestic well, barn, other):  

    As one of our services, we provide an online application for viewing and paying bills. If you'd like to use this service, you can specify an Internet Password and Password Hint at this time. Please note that the Internet Password must be at least 4 characters in length.

    Internet Password:  
    Confirm Internet Password:  
    Password Hint:

    Have you ever had service with us before?    
    Account Number:


    The deposit amount may be waived based on specific qualifications.  Please review our deposits policy to determine whether or not you may be exempt from our deposit requirements.

    The deposit amount is calculated based on horsepower. Please review our irrigation tarriff.

    Connect Fee:  

    Please select your preferred billing method:   *
    I understand that the above charges will be due prior to account activation, and that in order to waive the Deposit amount I must contact South Plains Electric Cooperative and provide additional information based on the deposits policy. By submitting this application, I also agree to a credit check, if necessary, to determine if a security deposit is required.  I/We have read, understand and agree to comply with all Co-op Power Prepay requirements and restrictions.
    I understand that checking this box and typing my name in the field provided below is my electronic signature. Your signature gives prior express written consent to receive automated telephone calls and text messages (if applicable) from the Cooperative to any number you have provided.
      Applicant Name:     *